
Friday 16 September

Opening Session

Welcome by Prof. Franz Baader, Spokesperson of the Review Panel for Computer Science at the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Introduction to the EUROCORES Programme LogICCC
Dr. Eva Hoogland (LogICCC Programme Coordinator)

Saturday 17 September

Thematic Sessions - Session 1: Vagueness

On Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
Dr. Petr Cintula (LoMoReVI)

Logical formalizations of fuzzy similarity-based reasoning
Prof. Lluis Godo (LoMoReVI)

Logical models for reasoning about the uncertainty of many-valued events
Dr. Enrico Marchioni (LoMoReVI)

Vague counterfactuals
Dr. Libor Behounek (LoMoReVI)

Combining vague adjectives – in theory and in practice
Dr. Galit Sassoon (VAAG)

Vagueness, Imprecision and Scales
Dr. Stephanie Solt (VAAG)

Session 2: Proofs, dialogues, (in)dependence and interraction

Signalling games and Independence-Friendly Logic
Prof. Gabriel Sandu (LINT)

Proof systems for dependence and independence logic
Mr. Pietro Galliani (LINT)

Implications in the team semantics setting
Ms. Fan Yang (LINT)

Complexity results for dependence logic
Dr. Juha Kontinen (LINT)

Relevant agents
Dr. Ondrej Majer (LoMoReVI)

Round table session on Dialogical foundations of semantics? An assessment

• Dr. Jesse Alama (DiFoS)
• Prof. Benedikt Löwe (DiFoS)
• Mr. Thomas Piecha (DiFoS)
• Dr. Luca Tranchini (DiFoS)
• Dr. Bartosz Wieckowski (DiFoS)
• Dr. Sara Uckelman (DiFoS)

Session 3: Logic and Psychology

Probability and logic in psychology: a new form of psychologism?
Dr. Niki Pfeifer (LcpR)

The Human Understanding of Conditionals
Prof. Gernot Kleiter (LcpR)

Conjunction and Quasi Conjunction of Conditionals in Coherence-Based Probabilistic Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Prof. Angelo Gilio (LcpR)

Kripke Type Semantics for Indicative Conditionals: The case of Chellas-Segerberg Semantics
Dr. Matthias Unterhuber (LcpR)

Developments in thinking about counterfactual conditionals
Dr. Sarah Beck (LcpR)

The interpretation of vague predicates – experimental insights
Ms. Nicole Gotzner (VAAG)

How Vague are Quantifiers?
Mr. Rasmus Bååth, Prof. Uli Sauerland and Prof. Sverker Sikström (VAAG)

Session 4: Computational social choice and social software

Aspects of Power overlooked by Power Measures
Prof. Hannu Nurmi (SSEAC)

The allocation of tenders using a distance-based extension of Majority Judgment
Miss Edurne Falcó (SSEAC)

Influence and Centrality
Dr. Agnieszka Rusinowska (SSEAC)

Modelling Resource Allocation in Linear Logic
Dr. Daniele Porello (CFSC)

Strategyproof Irresolute Social Choice Functions
Mr. Markus Brill (CFSC)

ATL and extensions
Dr. Nicolas Markey (GASICS)

Nash equilibrium in quantitative games played on graphs
Ms. Julie de Pril (GASICS)

UppAal Tiga
Prof. Kim Larsen (GASICS)

Sunday 18 September

Session 5: Logic & Games (plenary)

Simple games and the use of BDD for problem solving
Prof. Rudolf Berghammer (SSEAC)

Logic and infinite games: results and perspectives
Prof. Wolfgang Thomas (GASICS)

Games and Dependence in Logic
Prof. Jouko Väänänen (LINT)

Independence in Social Choice and Quantum Foundations
Prof. Samson Abramsky (LINT)