Cover Stories

Macromolecular Scaffolding for Nanoscale Architectures

Results from SUPRAMATES appeared on a cover of Advanced Energy Materials showing that by using specifically designed molecules in a form of a rigid backbone with surrounding side chains, it is possible to control the 2D self-assembly on surfaces over a length scale of hundreds of nanometres. Read more...

From Supramolecules to Suprafunctions in Advanced Materials Special Issue (27 March 2009)

A special issue of Advanced Materials “From Supramolecules to Suprafunctions”  is dedicated to the research results presented at the EMRS symposium “Functional Supramolecular Architectures for Organic Electronics and Nanotechnology” organized by SONS II in May 2008 in Strasbourg.The issue features an editorial (by Paolo Samorì, Franco Caccialli, Giovanni Marletta, Roberto Faria and Mario Ruben),  an essay by the SONS II coordinator Antonella di Trapani.

Supramolecular control of the magnetic anisotropy in two-dimensional high-spin Fe arrays at a metal interface (10 February 2009)

SANMAG scientists report in the latest issue of Nature Materials results on the spontaneous self-assembly of iron atoms and terephthalyc acid molecules on a copper metal substrate. Read more...

Controlling the Self-Assembly from Nano- to Macroscale (10 February 2009) 

Researchers from SUPRAMATES have devised a new approach, i.e. temperature-enhanced solvent vapor annealing (TESVA), to achieve molecular long-range re-organization at surfaces, leading to the formation of highly ordered self-assembled arrangements.
The results have been published in Small, 2009, 1, 112-119 and appeared on the cover page of the issue.

Long-Living Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (10 November 2008) 

Scientists from SOHYD project have produced stable light-emitting electrochemical cells with lifetimes of 3000 hours and an average luminance of 200 cd m-2.

These results have been highlighted on the inside cover page of Advanced Materials 2008, 20, 3910-3913.

Ordering and Stabilization by Cooperative Assembly (7 November 2008) 

Researchers form FunSMARTs II have found find a way of producing highly ordered and thermally stable supramolecular structures. The results appeared in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 8835-8838. In this issue appeared also a highlight article Molecular Self-Assembly across Multiple Lenght Scales (Dr. V. Palermo, Prof. Paolo Samori', SUPRAMATES) and a book review Block Copolymers in Nanoscience (Prof. Mukundan Thelakkat from SOHYD

Magnetism of Nanowires Driven by Novel Even-Odd Effects (1 October 2008)

Lounis, Dederichs and Bluegel, from the Research Centre in Juelich, working on the SANMAG Project,  have discovered a kind of domino effect in rows of individual manganese atoms on a nickel surface.  These results made the cover article in Phys. Rev. Lett, 101, 107204, 20

SUPRAMATES research results get covered!

The paper from Palermo et al. (Adv. Funct. Mater.  2007, 17, 3791–3798) from the SUPRAMATES Project has been highlighted in Noteworthy Chemistry (ACS) and in Materials Views (Wiley).

A great issue for SONS 2 researchers. This issue of Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.(2007, 46, issue 24)  features articles from Fun-SMARTs II, SUPRAMATES and  a book review from SOHYD. Front cover from Dr. De Vita, Fun-SMARTs II.