BOREAS Launch Conference

SPRI Cambridge, UK, 14-17 October 2006

The Launch Conference was a major networking occasion for the Arctic Humanities and Social Sciences worldwide. It brought together researchers from the funded BOREAS Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs), members of the BOREAS Review Panel, proposers of the initiative and participants of the original planning meetings from which the BOREAS programme emerged, as well as other specially invited guests from related initiatives in Humanities and Social-Science-based circumpolar research.

Conference programme

Presentations on BOREAS CRPs:

Colony, Empire, Environment: A Comparative International History of Arctic Science (CEE)
Project Leader: Ronald E. Doel 
Moved by the State: Perspectives on Relocation and Resettlement in the Circumpolar North (MOVE)
Project Leader: Peter Schweitzer
New Religious Movements in the Russian North: Competing Uses of Religiosity after Socialism (NEWREL)
Project Leader: Patty Gray
Understanding Migration in the Circumpolar North (UMCN)
Project Leader: Lee Huskey

Other presentations:

Presentation on BOREAS Networking Opportunities
Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada (SERNNoCA)
The University of the Arctic