
Call for Networking and Dissemination Activities

Networking and Dissemination Activities are the key characteristics and the main objectives of the EUROCORES Programme. They are meant to encourage and facilitate scientific collaboration and diffusion across the Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs) within a given domain or if appropriate across different domains and programmes.

Typical examples of networking activities are:
- working group meetings, seminars, workshops, symposia, conferences, summer schools
- training programmes and specialised courses, EUROCORES Programme invited sessions at larger conferences
- short visits

Eligible are applications submitted by EuroBioSAS Project Leaders or Principal Investigators for any networking activity that involves at least two CRPs on topics within the scope of the EuroBioSAS Programme.


Guidelines for online submission of networking activities can be found here.

A permanent call for application is open and proposals for networking activities can be submitted online here.


Guidelines for online submission of networking activities can be found here.

Proposals for dissemination activities are to be submitted by email to the programme coordinator.


Guidelines for online submission of short-term visits can be found here.

Proposals for Short Term Visits can now be submitted online here.

EUROCORES Short-Term Visits support visits to another CRP lab within the same or different EUROCORES Programmes for up to a maximum of 6 weeks. Applicants for Short-Term Visits are expected to fill an application form online.
There is no deadline for application.


All applications will be assessed by the EuroBioSAS Scientific Committee. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their proposal by the EuroBioSAS Office.