- Symposia on Epigenetic mechanisms in epileptogenesis, Sölden, Austria, 6-11 April 2015
Convenor: Dr. Günther Sperk, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
- Training Programme & Specialised Course: recruitment of familial epilepsies in Israel/Palestine, 23 April - 31 December 2014
Convenor: Ingo Helbig, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany
- EuroEPINOMICS Final Conference, Helsinki (Tuusla), Finland, 23-25 April 2014
Convenor: Anna-Elina Lehesjoki, University of Helsinki, Finland
- EuroEPINOMICS NGS analysis workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 13-16 March 2014
Further information can be found here
Convenor: Arvid Suls, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Epilepsy Genetics Workshop and Young Researchers in Epileptology Meeting 2013, 12-15 December 2013, Sde Boker, Israel
Convenor: Dr. Ingo Helbig
- Meeting of the EuroEPINOMICS Consortium, 30 October-1 November 2013, Tübingen, Germany
Convenor: Professor Holger Lerche
- Dissemination travel grant to attend the Epilepsy Genetics Workshop and Young Researchers in Epileptology Meeting 2013, 12-15 December 2013, Sde Boker, Israel
Ingo Helbig [RES]
Dorota Hoffman-Zacharska [RES]
Ditte Brix Kjeldgaard
Karl Martin Klein
Katja Kobow
Dennis Lal [CoGIE]
Johannes Lemke [RES]
Holger Lerche [CoGIE]
Line Larsen
Mikko Muona
Klari Noormets
Margit Noukas
Stella Poldsepp
Felix Rosenow [RES]
Ann-Kathrin Ruppert
Arvid Suls
Sunay Usluer
Sarah von Spiczak
Sarah Weckhuysen
- Workshop on "Exome data-analysis" - 27-28 October 2012, Cologne, Germany
Convenor: Peter Nürnberg [CoGIE] - "Bioinformatics Analysis Meeting" - 5-6 July 2012 - Luxembourg
Convenor: Ingo Helbig [RES]
- Workshop on "Web Portal & Social Media" - 13 March 2012 - Luxembourg
Convenor: Ingo Helbig [RES]
- Dissemination travel grant to attend the training course on "Computational Biology: from genomes to cells and systems" - 14-20 October 2012 - L'Escala, Spain
Grantee: Julian Schubert [CoGIE] - Dissemination Travel Grant to attend "The Annual Meeting of the Society of Neurosciences" - 13-17 October 2012 - New Orleans, US
Grantee: Alexander Dupper [Epiglia] - Dissemination travel grant to attend "Human Genome Analysis: genetic analysis of multifactorial diseases" - 13-17 July 2012 - Cambridge, UK
Grantee: Holger Trucks [EpiGENnet] - Dissemination travel grant to attend Human Genome Anaysis: genetic analysis of multifactorial diseases" - 13-17 July 2012 - Cambridge, UK
- Grantee: Eva Reinthaler [CoGIE]
- Dissemination Travel Grant to attend the "FENS 2012 conference" - 14-18 July 2012 - Barcelona, ES
Grantee: Verena Herl [Epiglia] - Dissemination Travel Grant to attend the training course on "Human Genome Analysis of Multifactorial Diseases" - 11-17 July 2012 - Cambridge, UK
Grantees: Dennis Lal [CoGIE], Eva Reinthaler [CoGIE] and Holger Trucks [EpiGENet] - Dissemination Travel Grant to attend the "Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Open Door Workshop" - 14-16 May 2012 - Cambridge, UK
Grantee: Katharina Kiese [EpiGENet] - Dissemination Travel Grant to attend the "Genomic Disorders 2012 - The Genomics of Rare Diseases" - 21-24 March 2012 - Cambridge, UK
Grantee: Roar Fjaer [RES]
- Short Visit Grant "Copy number variation validation" - sta‡rt date 18 October 2012, - Seattle, US
Grantee: Dennis Lal [CoGie]
Host: Heather Mafford [RES]
Report - Short Visit Grant "DNA methylation analysis of CHRNA 7 in Rolandic patients using pyrosequencing" - start date 6 February 2012 - Cologne, DE
Grantee: Eva Reinthaler [CoGie]
Host: Thomas Sander [EpiGENet]
RES Kick-off meeting and programme-wide networking event
The Kick-off meeting of the RES Collaborative Research Project was held in Antwerp (BE) on 17-18 November 2011, with open participation and a special invitation to the whole EuroEPINOMICS community.
Kick-off meeting and First Scientific Committee meeting
The EuroEPINOMICS Kick-off meeting was held in Strasbourg on 19-20 September 2011 at the ESF headquarters, followed by the first EuroEPINOMICS Scientific Committee meeting on 20 September p.m.
All Project Leaders, Principal Investigators and Associated Partners of the four Collaborative Research Projects of EuroEPINOMICS were invited to participate in the meeting.