Czech Republic
Dr. Veronika Paleckova
Czech Science Foundation
Narodni 3
110 00 Prague 1
Phone:+420 224 24 0594
Fax:+420 224 24 0598
Dr. Allan Hegelund
Secretariat for the Danish Medical Research Council
Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
1260 Copenhagen K
Phone:+45 35 44 63 39
Fax:+45 35 44 62 01
Dr. Jukka Reivinen
Research Council for Health
Academy of Finland
P.O. Box 99, Vilhonvourenkatu 6
00551 Helsinki
Phone:+358 97748 8332
Fax:+358 9 7748 8371
Dr. Ingileif Jonsdottir
Department of Immunology
Landspitali University Hospital
101 Reykjavik
Phone:+354 543 5812
Fax:+354 543 4828
Dr. Anna D’Amato
Office of General Affairs
and Management
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
P. le Aldo Moro 7
00185 Roma
Phone:+39 06 4993 3434
Fax:+39 06 4469 833
The Netherlands
Dr. Margreet Brandsma
Netherlands Organisation for health Research and Development (ZonMw)
2593 AE The Hague
Phone:+31 70 349 5210
Fax:+31 70 349 5387
Dr. Kjersti Sletholt
The Research Council of Norway
Stensbergatta 26
POB 2700 St Haushagen
0131 Oslo
Phone:+47 22 03 71 70
Fax:+47 22 03 71 66
Dr. Rosa Rodriguez-Bernabé
Head of the Department Quality of Life
28046 Madrid
Phone:+34 91 349 47 80
Fax:+34 91 349 45 51
United Kingdom
Dr. Catriona Crombie
Medical Research Council
Corporate Affairs Group
London W1B 1AL
Phone:+44 207 670 5213
Fax:+44 20 7436 2665