Publications of EXNUC

Peer reviewd articles

* R. Longland, P. Lorén-Aguilar, J. José, E. García–Berro, L. G. Althaus, 2012, “Lithium production in the merging of white dwarf stars”, Astrophys. J. (submitted)

* José, J., Iliadis, C., 2011, "Nuclear Astrophysics: the Unfinished Quest for the Origin of the Elements", Rep. Progr. Phys., 74, 096901 (48 pags).

*Casanova, J., José, J., García-Berro, E., Shore, S.N., Calder, A., 2011, "Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities as the source of inhomogeneous mixing in nova explosions", Nature 478, 490-492.

-Greiner, J., Mannheim, K., Aharonian, F., Ajello, M., Balasz, L.G., Barbiellini, G., Bellazzini, R., Bishop, S., Bisnovatij-Kogan, G.S., Boggs, S., Bykov, A., DiCocco, G., Diehl, R., Elsasser, D., Foley, S., Fransson, C., Gehrels, N., Hanlon, L., Hartmann, D., Hermsen, W., Hillebrandt, W., Hudec, R., Iyudin, A., José, J., Kadler, M., Kanbach, G., Klamra, W., Kiener, J., Klose, S., Kreykenbohm, I., Kuiper, L.M., Kylafis, N., Labanti, C., Langanke, K., Langer, N., Larsson, S., Leibundgut, B., Laux, U., Longo, F., Maeda, K., Marcinkowski, R., Marisaldi, M., McBreen, B., McBreen, S., Meszaros, A., Nomoto, K., Pearce, M., Peer, A., Pian, E., Prantzos, N., Raffelt, G., Reimer, O., Rhode, W., Ryde, F., Schmidt, C., Silk, J., Shustov, B.M., Strong, A., Tanvir, N., Thielemann, F.-K., Tibolla, O., Tierney, D., Trmper, J., Varshalovich, D.A., Wilms, J., Wrochna, G., Zdziarski, A., Zoglauer, A., 2011, "GRIPS – Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy", Exp. Astron., in press (31 pags).

*Longland, R., Lorén-Aguilar, P., José, J., García-Berro, E., Althaus, L.G., Isern, J., 2011, "Nucleosynthesis during the merger of wthite dwarfs and the origin of R Coronae Borealis", Astrophys. J. Letters, 737, L34 (4 pags).

*Davids, B., Cyburt, R.H., José, J., Mythili, S., 2011,"The influence of uncertainties in the 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne reaction rate on models of type I X-ray bursts", Astrophys. J., 734, 40 (10 pags)

*Parikh, A., Wimmer, K., Faestermann, T., Hertenberger, R., José, J., Longland, R., Wirth, H.-F., Bildstein, V., Bishop, S., Chen, A.A., Clark, J.A., Deibel, C.M., Herlitzius, C., Krücken, R., Seiler, D., Straub, K., Wrede, C., 2011, "Improving the 30P(p,gamma)31S rate in ONe novae: constraints on Jπ values for proton-threshold states in 31S", Phys. Rev. C, 83, 045806 (8 pags).

-Sallaska, A.L., Wrede, C., Garcia, A., Storm, D.W., Brown, T.A.D., Ruiz, C., Snover, K.A., Ottewell, D.F., Buchmann, L., Vockenhuber, C., Hutcheon, D.A., Caggiano, J.A., José, J., 2011, "Absolute Determination of the 22Na(p,gamma) Reaction Rate in Novae", Physical Rev. C, 83, 034611 (18 pags).

*Casanova, J., José, J., García-Berro, E., Calder, A., Shore, S.N., 2011, "Mixing in Classical Novae: A 2-D Sensitivity Study", Astron. & Astrophys., 527, A5 (7 pags).

*José, J., Moreno, F., Parikh, A., Iliadis, C., 2010, "Hydrodynamic Models of Type I X-Ray Bursts: Metallicity Effects", Astrophys. J. Suppl., 189, 204-239.

-F. Gyngard, E. Zinner, L. R. Nittler, A. Morgand, F. J. Stadermann, K.M. Hynes, 2010, “Automated NanoSIMS measurements of spinel stardust from the Murray meteorite”, Astrophys. J., 717, 107-120.

-C. E. Beer, A. M. Laird, A. St. J. Murphy, M. A. Bentley, L. Buchman, B. Davids, T. Davinson, C. A. Diget, S. P.  Fox, B. R. Fulton, U. Hager, D. Howell, L. Martin, C. Ruiz, G. Ruprecht, P. Salter, C. Vockenhuber, P. Walden, 2010, “Direct measurement of the 18F(p,α)15O reaction at nova temperatures”, Phys. Rev. C 83, 042801 (4 pags)

-J. Mountford, A. St J. Murphy, N. L. Achouri, C. Angulo, J. R. Brown, T. Davinson, F. de Oliveira Santos, N. de Séréville, P. Descouvemont, O. Kamalou, A. M. Laird, S. T. Pittman, P. Ujic, P. J. Woods, 2012, “Resonances in 19Ne with relevance to the astrophysically important 18F(p,alpha)15O reaction”, Phys. Rev. C 85, 022801(R).

*Althaus, L.G., Garcia-Berro, E., Isern, J., Corsico, A.H., Miller Bertolami, M.M., 2012, “New phase diagrams for dense carbon-oxygen mixtures and white dwarf evolution", Astron. Astrophys., 537, A33.


*Bravo, E., Piersanti, L., Dominguez, I., Straniero, O., Isern, J., Escartin, J.A., 2011, “Type Ia supernovae and the 12C+12C reaction rate", Astron. Astrophys., 535, A114.- Garcia-Berro, E., Torres, S., Renedo, I., Camacho, J., Althaus, L.G., Corsico, A.H., Salaris, M., Isern, J., 2011, “The white-dwarf cooling sequence of NGC 6791: a unique tool for stellar evolution”, Astron. Astrophys., 533, A31


*Garcia-Berro, E., Loren-Aguilar, P., Torres, S., Althaus, L.G., Isern, J. 2011, "An upper limit to the secular variation of the gravitational constant from white dwarf stars", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 5, 21.*Althaus, L.G., Corsico, A.H., Torres, S., Loren-Aguilar, P., Isern, J., Garcia-Berro, E., 2011, “The evolution of white dwarfs with a varying gravitational constant", Astron. Astrophys., 527, A72


- Alvarez, J.M., Galvez, J.L., Hernanz, M., Isern, J., Llopis, M., Lozano, M., Pellegrini, G., Chmeissani, M., 2010, "Imaging detector development for nuclear astrophysics using pixelated CdTe", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 623, 434-436.* Isern, J., Garcia-Berro, E., Loren-Aguilar, P., 2010, “SNIa, white dwarfs and the variation of the gravitational constant", Highlights of Astronomy, 15, 311.


-Coc, A., Goriely, S., Xu, Y., Saimpert, M., Vangioni, E., 2012, "Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis up to CNO with an Improved Extended Nuclear Network", Astrophys. J., 744, 158 


-Chamel, N., Fantina, A.~F., Pearson, J.M., Goriely, S., 2011, "Masses of neutron stars and nuclei", Phys. Rev. C, 84, 062802-Goriely, S., Bauswein, A., Janka, H.-T., 2011, “r-process Nucleosynthesis in Dynamically Ejected Matter of Neutron Star Mergers", Astrophys. J. Lett., 738, L32.


-Goriely, S., Chamel, N., Janka, H.-T., Pearson, J.M., 2011, "The decompression of the outer neutron star crust and r-process nucleosynthesis", Astron. Astrophys., 531, A78


-Pearson, J.M., Goriely, S., Chamel, N., 2011, “Properties of the outer crust of neutron stars from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass models", Phys. Rev. C, 83, 065810-Avdeenkov, A., Goriely, S., Kamerdzhiev, S., Krewald, S., 2011, “Self-consistent calculations of the strength function and radiative neutron capture cross section for stable and unstable tin isotopes",Phys Rev. C, 83, 064316.


-Chamel, N., Goriely, S., 2010, “Spin and spin-isospin instabilities in asymmetric nuclear matter at zero and finite temperatures using Skyrme functionals", Phys Rev. C, 82, 045804.


-Pearson, J.M., Chamel, N., Goriely, S., 2010, "Breathing-mode measurements in Sn isotopes and isospin dependence of nuclear incompressibility", Phys. Rev. C, 82, 037301.-Goriely, S., Chamel, N., Pearson, J.M., 2010, “Further explorations of Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mass formulas. XII. Stiffness and stability of neutron-star matter", Phys. Rev. C, 82, 035804.

- A. Parikh, K. Wimmer, T. Faestermann, R. Hertenberger, H.-F. Wirth, A. A. Chen, J. A. Clark, C. M. Deibel, C. Herlitzius, R. Krücken, D. Seiler, K. Setoodehnia, K. Straub, C. Wrede, 2011, "Production of 26Al in stellar hydrogen-burning environments: Spectroscopic properties of states in 27Si", Physical Review C, 84, 065808 (8 pages)

- J. Fallis, J. A. Clark, K. S. Sharma, G. Savard, F. Buchinger, S. Caldwell, A. Chaudhuri, J. E. Crawford, C. M. Deibel, S. Gulick, A. A. Hecht, D. Lascar, J. K. P. Lee, A. F. Levand, G. Li, B. F. Lundgren, A. Parikh, S. Russell, M. Scholte-van de Vorst, N. D. Scielzo, R. E. Segel, H. Sharma, S. Sinha, M. G. Sternberg, T. Sun, I. Tanihata, J. Van Schelt, J. C. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Wrede, Z. Zhou, 2011, “Mass measurements of isotopes of Nb, Mo, Tc, Ru, and Rh along the vp- and rp-process paths using the Canadian Penning trap mass spectrometer”,  Physical Review C, 84, 045807 (15 pages)

-B. M. Freeman, C. Wrede, B. G. Delbridge, A. García, A. Knecht, A. Parikh, A. L. Sallaska, 2011, “Branches of 33S(p,g)34Cl at oxygen-neon nova temperatures”, Physical Review C,  83, 048801 (4 pages)

-Bravo, E., Piersanti, L., Domínguez, I., Straniero, O., Isern, J., Escartin, J. A., 2011, "Type Ia supernovae and the 12C+12C reaction rate", Astronomy & Astrophysics,  535, 114

-Bravo, E., Badenes, C., 2011,  "Is the metallicity of their host galaxies a good measure of the metallicity of Type Ia supernovae?",  Monthly Notices Royal Astron. Soc.  414, 1592

- Bravo, E., Althaus, L. G., García-Berro, E., Domínguez, I., 2011,  “The impact of chemical differentiation of white dwarfs on thermonuclear supernovae”, Astronomy & Astrophysics,  526, 26

-C. Hinke, M. Bohmer, P. Boutachkov, T. Faestermann, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, M. Gorska, A. Gottardo, H. Grawe, J. Grebosz, R. Krucken, N. Kurz, Z. Liu, L. Maier, F. Nowacki, S. Pietri, Zs. Podolyak, K. Sieja, K. Steiger, K. Straub, H. Weick, P. J. Woods, N. Al-Dahan, N. Alkhomashi, A. Ata¸c, A. Blazhev, N. Braun, I. Celikovic, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, P. Doornenbal, G. de France, G.F. Farrelli, F. Farinon, J. Gerl, N. Goel, T. Habermann, R. Hoischen, R. Janik, M. Karny, A. Kaskas, I. Kojouharov, Th. Kroll, Y. Litvinov, S. Myalski, F. Nebel, S. Nishimura, C. Nociforo, J. Nyberg, A. Parikh, A. Prochazka, P. H. Regan, C. Rigollet, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schwertel, P.-A. Soderstrom, S.J. Steer, A. Stolz, P. Strmen, H.-J. Wollersheim, 2012, “Superallowed Gamow-Teller Decay of Doubly Magic 100Sn”, Nature (in press).

- Sim, S.A., Fink, M., Kromer, M., Roepke, F.K., Ruiter, A.J., Hillebrandt, W., 2012, "2D simulations of the double-detonation model for thermonuclear transients from low-mass carbon-oxygen white dwarfs", Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 420, 3003-3016.

- Pakmor, R., Kromer, M., Taubenberger,  S., Sim,  S.A., Roepke, F.K., Hillebrandt,  W., 2012, " Normal Type Ia Supernovae from Violent Mergers of White Dwarf Binaries", Astrophys. J. Lett,   747, L10.

- Benitez-Herrera,  S., Roepke, F., Hillebrandt, W., Mignone, C., Bartelmann, M., Weller, J., 2012, "Model-independent reconstruction of the expansion history of the Universe from Type Ia supernovae", Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 419, 513-521.

- Herzog,  M., Roepke,  F.K., 2011, "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the combustion of a neutron star into a quark star ", Phys. Rev. D, 84, 083002.

- Blondin, S., Kasen, D., Roepke, F.K., Kirshner, R.P., Mandel, K.S., 2011, " Confronting 2D delayed-detonation models with light curves, spectra of Type Ia supernovae ", Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 417, 1280-1302.

 - Travaglio,  C., Roepke, F.K., Gallino, R., Hillebrandt, W., 2011, "Type Ia Supernovae as Sites of the p-process: Two-dimensional Models Coupled to Nucleosynthesis", Astrophys. J., 739, 93.

 -Seitenzahl, I.R., Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, F., Roepke, F.K., 2011, " Type Ia supernova diversity: white dwarf central density as a secondary parameter in three-dimensional delayed detonation models", Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 414, 2709-2715.

-Roepke, F.K., Seitenzahl, I.R., Benitez, S., Fink, M., Pakmor, R., Kromer, M., Sim, S.A., Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, F., Hillebrandt, W., 2011, Progress in Particle, Nuclear Physics, 66, 309-318.

-Pakmor, R., Hachinger, S., Roepke, F.K., Hillebrandt, W., 2011,  "Violent mergers of nearly equal-mass white dwarf as progenitors of subluminous Type Ia supernovae ", Astron. Astrophys. 528, A117.

- Seitenzahl, I.R., Roepke, F.K., Fink, M., Pakmor, R., 2010, "Nucleosynthesis in thermonuclear supernovae with tracers: convergence, variable mass particles", Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 407, 2297-2304.

- Kromer, M., Sim, S.A., Fink, M., Roepke, F.K., Seitenzahl, I.R., Hillebrandt, W., 2010, " Double-detonation Sub-Chandrasekhar Supernovae: Synthetic Observables for Minimum Helium Shell Mass Models", Astrophys. J., 719, 1067-1082.

-Maeda, K., Benetti, S., Stritzinger, M., Roepke, F.K., Folatelli, G., Sollerman, J.,  Taubenberger, S., Nomoto, K., Leloudas, G., Hamuy, M., Tanaka, M., Mazzali, P.A., Elias-Rosa, N., 2010, "An asymmetric explosion as the origin of spectral evolution diversity in type Ia supernovae", Nature, vol 466, 82-85.

- Sim, S.A., Roepke, F.K., Hillebrandt, W., Kromer, M., Pakmor, R., Fink, M., Ruiter, A.J., Seitenzahl, I.R., 2010, " Detonations in Sub-Chandrasekhar-mass C+O White Dwarfs", Astrophys. J. Lett., 714, L52-L57.

- Fink, M., Roepke, F.K., Hillebrandt, W., Seitenzahl, I.R., Sim, S.A., Kromer, M., 2010, "Double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar supernovae: can minimum helium shell masses detonate the core?", Astron. Astrophys., 514, A53

 -Iliadis, C., Champagne, A., Chieffi, A., Limongi, M., 2011, "The Effects of Thermonuclear Reaction Rate Variations on 26Al Production in Massive Stars: A Sensitivity Study", Astrophys. J. Suppl., 193, 16.

-Oginni, B.M., Iliadis, C., Champagne, A.E., 2011,  "Theoretical evaluation of the reaction rates for Al26(n,p)2Mg, Al26(n,alpha)23Na",  Phys. Rev. C, 83, 025802.

-Larsen, A.C., Goriely, S., Burger, A., Guttormsen, M.,   Gorgen, A., Harissopulos, S., Kmiecik, M., Konstantinopoulos, T., Lagoyannis, A., Lonnroth, T.,   Mazurek, K., Norrby, M., Nyhus, H.T., Perdikakis, G., Schiller, A., Siem, S., Spyrou, A., Syed,  N.U.H., Toft,  H.K., Tveten, G.M.,  Voinov, A.,  2012, "Primary  gamma-ray spectra in 44Ti of astrophysical interest ", Phys. Rev. C., 85, 014320.

-Provatas,  G.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Foteinou,  V.,  Konstantinopoulos,  T.,  Misaelides,  P.,  Kokkoris,  M., 2011, "Proton elastic scattering differential cross-section measurements of 45Sc",  Nuclear Instruments, Methods in Physics Research B, 269, 2994-2998.

 - Foteinou,  V.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Kokkoris,  M.,  Provatas,  G., Konstantinopoulos,  T.,  Misaelides,  P.,  Harissopulos,  S., 2011, "Cross section measurements of the 6Li(d, alpha)4He reaction",  Nuclear Instruments, Methods in Physics Research B, 269, 2990-2993.

- Guttormsen,  M.,  Larsen,  A.C.,  Burger,  A., Gorgen,  A.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Kmiecik,  M.,  Konstantinopoulos,  T.,  Krtivcka,  M.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Lonnroth,  T.,  Mazurek,  K.,  Norrby,  M.,  Nyhus,  H.T.,  Perdikakis,  G.,  Schiller,  A.,  Siem,  S.,  Spyrou,  A.,  Syed,  N.U.H.,  Toft,  H.K.,  Tveten,  G.M.,  Voinov,  A., "Fermi's golden rule applied to the gamma decay in the quasicontinuum of Ti46", Phys. Rev, C, 83, 014312.

- Endres,  J.,  Litvinova,  E.,  Savran,  D.,  Butler,  P.A.,   Harakeh,  M.N.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Herzberg,  R.-D.,  Krucken,  R.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Pietralla,  N.,  Ponomarev,  V.Y.,  Popescu,  L.,  Ring,  P.,  Scheck,  M.,  Sonnabend,  K.,  Stoica,  V.~I.,  Wortche,  H.J.,  Zilges,  A., 2010, "Isospin Character of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in Sn124 ", Phys.Rev. Letters, 105, 212503.

- Kokkoris,  M.,  Tsaris,  A.,  Misaelides,  P.,  Sokaras,  D.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Vlastou,  R.,  Papadopoulos,  C.T., 2010, "Determination of differential cross-sections for the 39K(p,alpha) reactions in the backscattering geometry ",  Nuclear Instruments, Methods in Physics Research B, 268, 1797-1801.

-Demetriou,  P.,  Keutgen,  T.,  Prieels,  R.,  El Masri,  Y., 2010, "Fission properties of actinide nuclei from proton-induced fission at 26.5, 62.9 MeV incident proton energies",  Phys. Rev. C, 82, 054606.

- Patronis,  N.,  Pakou,  A.,  Pierroutsakou,  D.,  Sanchez-Benitez,  A.M.,  Acosta,  L.,  Alamanos,  N.,  Boiano,  A.,  Inglima,  G.,  Filipescu,  D.,  Glodariu,  T.,  Guglielmetti,  A.,  La Commara,  M.,  Lalazissis,  G.,  Martel,  I.,  Mazzocchi,  C.,  Mazzocco,  M.,  Molini,  P.,  Parascandolo,  C.,  Sandoli,  M.,  Signorini,  C.,  Silvestri,  R.,  Soramel,  F.,  Stiliaris,  E.,  Romoli,  M.,  Trzcinska,  A.,  Zerva,  K.,  Vardaci,  E.,  Vitturi,  A., 2012, "Probing the 17F+p potential by elastic scattering at near-barrier energies", Phys. Rev. C, 85, 024609.

- Acosta,  L.,  Sanchez-Benitez,  A.M.,  Gomez,  M.E.,  Martel,  I.,  Perez-Bernal,  F.,  Pizarro,  F.,  Rodriguez-Quintero,  J.,  Rusek,  K.,  Alvarez,  M.A.G.,  Andres,  M.V.,  Espino,  J.M.,  Fernandez-Garcia,  J.P.,  Gomez-Camacho,  J.,  Moro,  A.M.,  Angulo,  C.,  Cabrera,  J.,  Casarejos,  E.,  Demaret,  P.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Escrig,  D.,  Tengblad,  O.,  Cherubini,  S.,  Figuera,  P.,  Gulino,  M.,  Freer,  M.,  Metelko,  C.,  Ziman,  V.,  Raabe,  R.,  Mukha,  I.,  Smirnov,  D.,  Kakuee,  O.R.,  Rahighi,  J., 2011, "Elastic scattering,  alpha-particle production in 6He + 208Pb collisions at 22 MeV ", Phys. Rev. C, 84, 044604.

- Duenas,  J.A.,  Ausset,  P.,  Berjillos,  R.,  Gardes,  D.,  Junquera,  T.,  Lavergne,  L.,  Martel,  I.,  Martinet,  G.,  Rauly,  E.,  Said,  A.,  Sanchez Benitez,  A.M.,  Semsoun,  A.,  Waast,  B., 2011,  Nuclear Instruments, Methods in Physics Research A, 641, 33-36.

-  Aguilera,  E.F.,  Martel,  I.,  Sanchez-Benitez,  A.M.,  Acosta,  L., 2011, "Systematics of reactions with 4,6He: Static, dynamic halo effects, evidence for core-halo decoupling", 2011, Phys. Rev. C, 83, 021601.

- Mukha,  I.,  Summerer,  K.,  Acosta,  L.,  Alvarez,  M.A.G.,  Casarejos,  E.,  Chatillon,  A.,  Cortina-Gil,  D.,  Egorova,  I.A.,  Espino,  J.M.,  Fomichev,  A.,  Garcia-Ramos,  J.E.,  Geissel,  H.,  Gomez-Camacho,  J.,  Grigorenko,  L.,  Hofmann,  J.,  Kiselev,  O.,  Korsheninnikov,  A.,  Kurz,  N.,  Litvinov,  Y.A.,  Litvinova,  E.,  Martel,  I.,  Nociforo,  C.,  Ott,  W.,  Pfutzner,  M.,  Rodriguez-Tajes,  C.,  Roeckl,  E.,  Stanoiu,  M.,  Timofeyuk,  N.K.,  Weick,  H., Woods,  P.J., 2010, "Spectroscopy of proton-unbound nuclei by tracking their decay products in-flight: One-, two- proton decays of F15, Ne16, Na19 ", Phys. Rev. C, 82, 054315.

- Tengborn,  E.,  Moro,  A.M.,  Nilsson,  T.,  Alcorta,  M.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Cederkall,  J.,  Diget,  C.,  Fraile,  L.M.,  Fynbo,  H.O.U.,  Gomez-Camacho,  J.,  Jeppesen,  H.B.,  Johansson,  H.T.,  Jonson,  B.,  Kirsebom,  O.S.,  Knudsen,  H.H.,  Madurga,  M.,  Nyman,  G.,  Richter,  A.,  Riisager,  K.,  Schrieder,  G.,  Tengblad,  O.,  Timofeyuk,  N.,  Turrion,  M.,  Voulot,  D.,  Wenander,  F., 2011, "The 8Li + 2H reaction studied in inverse kinematics at 3.15 eV/nucleon using the REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator", Phys. Rev. C, 84, 064616.

 -Perez-Cerdan,  A.B.,  Rubio,  B.,  Gelletly,  W.,  Algora,  A.,  Agramunt,  J.,  Burkard,  K.,  Huller,  W.,  Nacher,  E.,  Sarriguren,  P.,  Caballero,  L.,  Molina,  F.,  Fraile,  L.M.,  Reillo,  E.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Dessagne,  P.,  Jungclaus,  A.,  Salsac,  M.-D., 2011, "Beta-decay of 78Sr", 2011, Phys. Rev. C, 84, 054311.

- Kirsebom,  O.S.,  Hyldegaard,  S.,  Alcorta,  M.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Buscher,  J.,  Eronen,  T.,  Fox,  S.,  Fulton,  B.R.,  Fynbo,  H.O.U.,  Hultgren,  H.,  Jokinen,  A.,  Jonson,  B.,  Kankainen,  A.,  Karvonen,  P.,  Kessler,  T.,  Laird,  A.,  Madurga,  M.,  Moore,  I.,  Nyman,  G.,  Penttila ,  H.,  Rahaman,  S.,  Reponen,  M.,  Riisager,  K.,  Roger,  T.,  Ronkainen,  J.,  Saastamoinen,  A.,  Tengblad,  O.,   Aysto,  J., 2011, "Precise, accurate determination of the 8B decay spectrum", Phys. Rev. C, 83, 065802.

-Provatas,  G.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Foteinou,  V.,  Konstantinopoulos,  T.,  Misaelides,  P.,  Kokkoris,  M., 2011, "Proton elastic scattering differential cross-section measurements of 45Sc",  Nuclear Instruments, Methods in Physics Research B, 269, 2994-2998.

 - Foteinou,  V.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Kokkoris,  M.,  Provatas,  G., Konstantinopoulos,  T.,  Misaelides,  P.,  Harissopulos,  S., 2011, "Cross section measurements of the 6Li(d, alpha)4He reaction",  Nuclear Instruments, Methods in Physics Research B, 269, 2990-2993.

- Guttormsen,  M.,  Larsen,  A.C.,  Burger,  A., Gorgen,  A.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Kmiecik,  M.,  Konstantinopoulos,  T.,  Krtivcka,  M.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Lonnroth,  T.,  Mazurek,  K.,  Norrby,  M.,  Nyhus,  H.T.,  Perdikakis,  G.,  Schiller,  A.,  Siem,  S.,  Spyrou,  A.,  Syed,  N.U.H.,  Toft,  H.K.,  Tveten,  G.M.,  Voinov,  A., "Fermi's golden rule applied to the gamma decay in the quasicontinuum of Ti46", Phys. Rev, C, 83, 014312.

- Endres,  J.,  Litvinova,  E.,  Savran,  D.,  Butler,  P.A.,   Harakeh,  M.N.,  Harissopulos,  S.,  Herzberg,  R.-D.,  Krucken,  R.,  Lagoyannis,  A.,  Pietralla,  N.,  Ponomarev,  V.Y.,  Popescu,  L.,  Ring,  P.,  Scheck,  M.,  Sonnabend,  K.,  Stoica,  V.~I.,  Wortche,  H.J.,  Zilges,  A., 2010, "Isospin Character of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in Sn124 ", Phys.Rev. Letters, 105, 212503.

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- Acosta,  L.,  Sanchez-Benitez,  A.M.,  Gomez,  M.E.,  Martel,  I.,  Perez-Bernal,  F.,  Pizarro,  F.,  Rodriguez-Quintero,  J.,  Rusek,  K.,  Alvarez,  M.A.G.,  Andres,  M.V.,  Espino,  J.M.,  Fernandez-Garcia,  J.P.,  Gomez-Camacho,  J.,  Moro,  A.M.,  Angulo,  C.,  Cabrera,  J.,  Casarejos,  E.,  Demaret,  P.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Escrig,  D.,  Tengblad,  O.,  Cherubini,  S.,  Figuera,  P.,  Gulino,  M.,  Freer,  M.,  Metelko,  C.,  Ziman,  V.,  Raabe,  R.,  Mukha,  I.,  Smirnov,  D.,  Kakuee,  O.R.,  Rahighi,  J., 2011, "Elastic scattering,  alpha-particle production in 6He + 208Pb collisions at 22 MeV ", Phys. Rev. C, 84, 044604.

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Full text conferecne proceedings

- Gyngard, F., Nittler, L. R., Zinner, E., José, J, Cristallo, S., 2011,  "New Reaction Rates and Implications for Nova Nucleosynthesis and Presolar Grains", in 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 7–11, 2011 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1608, p. 2675.


*José, J., Casanova, J., García-Berro, E., Hernanz, M., Shore, S.N., Calder, A., 2011, "Classical and Recurrent Nova Models", in Proc. Binary Paths to Type Ia Supernovae Explosions, R. Di Stefano and M. Orio (eds.), in press.


-José, J., Casanova, J., Parikh, A., García-Berro, E., 2012 "Recent advances in the modelling of classical novae and type I X-ray bursts", Journal of Physics - Conf. Series, 337, 012038 (6 pages)


*Lorén–Aguilar, P., Longland, R., José, J., García–Berro, E., Althaus, L.G., Isern, J., 2011, "White dwarf mergers and the origin of R Coronae Borealis stars", in Proc. Advances in Computational Astrophysics: methods, tools and outcomes, ASP, in press.


-José, J., Moreno, F., Parikh, A., Iliadis, C., 2011, "Hydrodynamic Models of Type I X-Ray Bursts: Metallicity Effects", Proc. Science, PoS(NIC XI) 208 (6 pages).


-José, J., 2011, "Classical novae - theory and observations", Proc. Science, PoS(NIC XI) 050 (11 pages).


*Casanova, J., José, J., García-Berro, E., Calder, A., Shore, S.N., 2011, "On mixing at the core-envelope interface during classical nova outbursts" Proc. Science, PoS(NIC XI) 204 (5 pages).


-Gyngard, F., Nittler, L., Zinner, E., José, J., 2011, "Oxygen Rich Stardust Grains from Novae", Proc. Science, PoS(NIC XI) 141 (5 pages).


-Campbell, S.W., José, J., Cabezón, R.M., García-Berro, E., 2011, "3D Hydrodynamical Simulations of Nova Ejecta: Pollution of the Companion Star", Proc. Science, PoS(NIC XI) 203 (5 pages).


-José, J., Casanova, J., Moreno, F., García-Berro, E., Parikh, A., Iliadis, C., 2010, "Hydrodynamic Models of Classical Novae and Type I X-Ray Bursts", in Proc. Tours Symp. on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics VII, H. Susa, M. Arnould, S. Gales, T. Motobayashi, C. Scheidenberger, and H. Utsunomiya, AIP, vol. 1238, p. 157-162.


-Sala, G., Haberl, F., José, J.,Parikh, A., Pietsch, A., 2010, "Swift observations of the Rapid Burster", in Proc. X-Ray Astronomy 2009: Present Status, Multi-wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, AIP Conf. Series, A. Comastri, M. Cappi, and L. Angelini (eds.),  Vol. 1248, p. 195-196.


-Garcia-Berro, E., Althaus, L.G., Torres, S., Loren-Aguilar, P., Corsico, A.H., Isern, J., 2011, “The Cooling of White Dwarfs and a Varying Gravitational Constant", in ‘From Varying Couplings to Fundamental Physics’, Martins, C. & Molaro, P. (eds.), p. 47.


- Catalan, S., Isern, J., Garcia-Berro, E., Hernanz, M., 2010, “The impact of mergers in the white dwarf mass distribution", American Institute of Physics Conf. Series, 1273, pp. 48-51.


-Neyskens, P., Van Eck, S., Plez, B., Goriely, S., Siess, L., Jorissen, A., 2011, "Accurate abundance determinations in S stars", Journal of Physics Conf. Series, 328, 012014.-Xu, Y., Goriely, S., Jorissen, A., Takahashi, K., Arnould, M.,2011, "The Nuclear Network Generator NETGEN v10.0: A Tool for Nuclear Astrophysics", in ‘Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants’, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 445, F. Kerschbaum, T. Lebzelter, & R.F. Wing (eds.), p. 187- Neyskens, P., van Eck, S., Plez, B., Goriely, S., Siess, L., Jorissen, A., 2011, "Abundance Patterns in S-type AGB Stars: Setting Constraints on Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Evolution Models", in ‘Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants’, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 445, F. Kerschbaum, T. Lebzelter, & R.F. Wing (eds.), p. 77-Chamel, N., Pearson, J.M., Goriely, S., 2011, "Generalized equation of state for cold superfluid neutron stars", American Institute of Physics Conf. Series, 1379, E. Gougucs, T. Belloni (eds.), p. 27-30.-Kamata, M., Utsunomiya, H., Akimune, H., Yamagata, T., Itoh, O., Iwamoto, C., Kondo, T., Toyokawa, H., Lui, Y.-W., Goriely, S., 2010, "Extra gamma-ray strength for 116,117Sn arising from pygmy dipole resonance", American Institute of Physics Conf. Series, 1238, H. Susa, M. Arnould, S. Gales, T. Motobayashi, C. Scheidenberger, & H. Utsunomiya (eds.), p. 234-236.


-Xu, Y., Goriely, S., Takahashi, K., 2010, "The NACRE-II Project-A Status Report", American Institute of Physics Conf. Series, 1238, H. Susa, M. Arnould, S. Gales, T. Motobayashi, C. Scheidenberger, & H. Utsunomiya (eds.), p. 187-192.


- Goriely, S., 2010, "Nucleosynthesis: a field with still many open nuclear physics questions", American Institute of Physics Conf. Series, 1238, H. Susa, M. Arnould, S. Gales, T. Motobayashi, C. Scheidenberger, & H. Utsunomiya (eds.), p. 18-25.


- J.A. Escartín, D. García-Senz, R.M. Cabezón, 2011, "ISFAA, prospects for an implicit SPH", Proceedings: 6th International Spheric Workshop,  Editors: T. Ring and C. Ulrich (Hamburg), pp. 194-200.


- J.A. Escartín, D. García-Senz, E. Bravo, 2011, Proceedings: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics


"Computer simulations using Implicit Lagrangian Hydrodynamics", Proceedings: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics, Editors: M.R. Zapatero Osorio et al. (Madrid), pp. 703-708.


- A. Parikh, T. Faestermann, R. Krücken, V. Bildstein, S. Bishop, K. Eppinger, C. Herlitzius, O. Lepyoshkina, P. Maierbeck, D. Seiler, K. Wimmer, R. Hertenberger, H.F. Wirth, J. Fallis, U. Hager, D.A. Hutcheon, C. Ruiz, L. Buchmann, D. Ottewell, B. Freeman, C. Wrede, A. Garcia, B. Delbridge, A. Knecht, A. Sallaska, A. Chen, J.A. Clark, C. Deibel, B.R. Fulton, A. Laird, U. Greife, B. Guo, E. Li,  Z. Li, G. Lian, Y. Wang, W. Liu, P. Parker, K. Setoodehnia, 2011, "The 33S(p,g)34Cl reaction in classical nova explosions", Proc. Science (NIC XI)  052 (6 pages)


- A. Parikh, Th. Faestermann, R. Krücken, V. Bildstein, S. Bishop, K.  Eppinger, C. Herlitzius, O. Lepyoshkina, P. Maierbeck, D. Seiler, K.  Wimmer, R. Hertenberger, H.-F. Wirth, J. Fallis, U. Hager, D. Hutcheon,  Ch. Ruiz, L. Buchmann, D. Ottewell, B. Freeman, Ch. Wrede, A. García,  B. Delbridge, A. Knecht, A. Sallaska, A. A. Chen, J. A. Clark, C. M.  Deibel, B. Fulton, A. Laird, U. Greife, B. Guo, E. Li, Z. Li, G. Lian, Y.  Wang, W. Liu, P. D. Parker, K. Setoodehnia, 2011, "Improving the 33S(p,g)34Cl reaction rate for models of classical nova explosions", Proceedings of "Frontiers in nuclear structure, astrophysics and reactions: FINUSTAR 3".  AIP Conf. Proc., 1377, p. 188 (7 pages).


- G. Sala, F. Haberl, J. Jose, A. Parikh, W. Pietsch, 2011, "A type I X-ray burst of the Rapid Burster with photospheric radius expansion as seen by Swift", Proceedings of "Fast X-ray timing and spectroscopy at extreme count rates", Proc. Science (HTRS 2011) , 068 (5 pages)


- C. Wrede, J.A. Clark, C.M. Deibel, T. Faestermann, R. Hertenberger, A. Parikh, H.F. Wirth, S. Bishop, A. Chen, K. Eppinger, B.M. Freeman, A. Garcia, R. Kruecken, O. Lepyoshkina, G. Rugel, K. Setoodehnia, 2011, "Precision measurements of 20Na, 24Al, 28P, 32Cl, and 36K for the rp-process", Proc. Science (NIC XI)  055 (5 pages)


- Fink,  M., Roepke, F.K., Hillebrandt, W., Kromer, M., Sim, S.A., Seitenzahl, I.R., 2011, " Modeling Sub-Chandrasekhar Type Ia Supernovae ", in '5th International Conference of Numerical Modeling


of Space Plasma Flows (ASTRONUM 2010)', Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 444,


N.V. Pogorelov, E. Audit, & G.P. Zank (eds.), p. 15.


-Roepke, F.K., Fink, M., Pakmor, R., Kromer, M., Sim,  S.A., Seitenzahl, I.R., Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, F.,


 Hillebrandt,  W., 2011, "Type Ia Supernovae as Final Stage of Binary Evolution ", in  'Evolution of Compact Binaries', Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 447,  L. Schmidtobreick, M.R. Schreiber, & C. Tappert, p. 303


- Sim,  S.A., Kromer, M., Roepke, F.K., Sorokina, E.I.,   Blinnikov, S.I., Kasen, D., Hillebrandt, W., 2010,

"Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulations: Applications to Astrophysical Outflows, Explosions",


in 'Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Astronum-2009', Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 429, N.V. Pogorelov, E. Audit, & G.P. Zank (eds.), p. 148.



- Roepke, F.K., Hillebrandt, W., Kasen, D., Woosley, S.E., 2010, "Modeling the Diversity of Type Ia Supernova Explosions", in 'Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Astronum-2009', Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 429, N.V. Pogorelov, E. Audit, & G.P. Zank (eds.), p. 142.


-Iliadis,  C., 2010, "Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics", in 'American Institute of Physics Conference Series', vol. 1304, L. Trache, A. Smirnov, & S. Stoica (eds.),  pp. 173-182.


-Coc, A., Iliadis, C., Longland, R., Champagne, A.E., Fitzgerald, R., 2010, "Monte-Carlo Reaction Rate Evaluation for Astrophysics", in 'American Institute of Physics Conference Series', vol. 1238, H. Susa, M. Arnould, S. Gales, T. Motobayashi, C. Scheidenberger, & H. Utsunomiya (eds.), pp. 193-198.


-Iliadis, C., 2010, "New Developments in Experimental Thermonuclear Reactions", 'American Institute of Physics Conference Series', vol. 1238, H. Susa, M. Arnould, S. Gales, T. Motobayashi, C. Scheidenberger, & H. Utsunomiya (eds.), pp. 36-43.


-Ujic, P., de Oliveira, F., Lagoyannis, A., Mertzimekis, T.J., Harissopulos, S., Demetriou, P., Spyrou, A., Stodel, C., Saint-Laurent, M.G., Kamalou, O., Lefebvre-Schuhl, A., Grevy, S., Caceres, L., Lewitowicz, M., Amthor, M.A., Perot, L., Coc,  A., Tatischeff, V., Kiener, J.. Sorlin, O., Lepailleur, A., Assie, M., Bastin, B., Achouri, L., 


Borcea, R., Borcea, C., Stanoiu, M., de France, G., Clement,  E., Pautrat, A., Buta,  A., Gaudefroy, L., Meot, V., Deloncle, I. 2012, "Astrophysical (alpha,  gamma) reaction in inverse kinematics; Electron screening effect in the beta-decay",  Journal of Physics Conference Series, 337, 1.


-Guttormsen,  M., Larsen, A.C., Burger, A., Gorgen, A., Nyhus, H.T., Siem, S., Syed, N.U.H.,   Toft, H.K., Tveten, G.M., Harissopulos, S., Konstantinopoulos, T., Lagoyannis, A., Perdikakis,  G.,   Spyrou,  A.,  Kmiecik,  M.,  Mazurek,  K.,  Krti \v c ka,  T.,  Lonnroth, T., Norrby, M., Schiller, A., Voinov, A., 2012, "Do light nuclei display a universal  gamma-ray strength function?", in 'CNR*11 - Third International Workshop on Compound Nuclear Reactions, Related Topics',  M. Krtivcka, F. Bevcvavr, J. Kroll, EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 21, 04004.


 - Alcorta,  M.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Cubero,  M.,  Diget,  C.A.,  Dominguez-Reyes,  R.,  Fraile,  L.,  Fulton,  B.R.,


 Fynbo,  H.O.U.,  Galaviz,  D.,  Hyldegaard,  S.,  Jeppesen,  H.B.,  Jonson,  B.,  Kirsebom,  O.S.,  Madurga,  M.,  Maira,  A.,  Munoz,  A.,  Nilsson,  T.,  Nyman,  G.,  Obradors,  D.,  Perea,  A.,  Riisager,  K.,  Tengblad,  O.,  Turrion,  M., 2011,  "Properties of resonances in 12C above the triple-alpha threshold",  Journal of Physics Conference Series, 312, 092013.


- Carmona-Gallardo,  M.,  Nara Singh,  B.S.,  Tengblad,  O.,  Hass,  M.,  Alcorta,  M.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  Briz,  J.A.,  Cruz,  C.,  Cubero,  M.,  Dominguez-Reyes,  R.,  Fulton,  B.R.,  Fynbo,  H.,  Gordillo,  N.,  Haquin,  G.,


 Nir-El,  Y.,  Kumar,  V.,  Maira,  A.,  McGrath,  J.,  Munoz-Martin,  A.,  Perea,  A.,  Yungreis,  Z., 2011,  "Astrophysical S factor for the 4He(3He, gamma)7Be reaction at medium energies",  Journal of Physics Conference Series, 337, 012061.


- Adimi,  N.,  Dominguez-Reyes,  R.,  Alcorta,  M., Bey,  A.,  Blank,  B.,  Borge,  M.J.G.,  de Oliveira Santos,  F.,


 Dossat,  C.,  Fynbo,  H.O.U.,  Giovinazzo,  J.,  Knudsen,  H.H.,  Madurga,  M.,  Matea,  I.,  Perea,  A.,   Summerer,  K.,  Tengblad,  O.,  Thomas,  J.C., 2011,  "The Spectroscopic study of 33Ar",  American Institute of Physics Conference Series, vol. 1377,  P. Demetriou, R. Julin, & S. Harissopulos (eds.), pp. 329-331.

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