EuroGRAPHENE officially launched its networking activities with a Symposium held in Strasbourg on the 18th - 19th November 2010. This very successful event was attended by more than 70 participants from both Graphene research and industry.
10 October 2010
Researchers from CNR Bologna and the University of Strasbourg have successfully used the tip of an atomic force microscope to pattern conductive graphene pathways on an otherwise insulating graphene oxide, and to correlate the nanoscale structural and electrical features of graphene. Micropatterned transistors based on graphene have also been produced using the same approach. The article has been just published on the first October issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
A first meeting of the EuroGRAPHENE Scientific Committee, consisting of the Project Leaders (PLs) of the funded collaborative research projects, was held in Strasbourg, at the ESF offices, on 7th June 2010.
This initial meeting was intended for the PLs to introduce themselves and their research to eachother and to begin the planning of networking activities.
Following the second EuroGRAPHENE Reveiw Panel meeting held on the 1-2 October 2009, 10 out of the 13 full proposals received were recommended for funding. From these 10 a total of 7 were successfully funded.
The EuroGRAPHENE Review Panel met in Strasbourg on the 6-7 April and recommended 13 Outline proposals for the second stage. The succeffsull applicants have been invited to submit the full proposals by the 15 June 2009.
(10 March 2009)
23 Outline proposals were received by the Call deadline. The Outline Proposals are now being evaluated by the Review Panel who will sift them at the Review Panel meeting which will take place in Strasbourg on 6-7 April.