The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2007 was held from 15 to 20 April 2007 in Vienna, Austria.
Union Symposia 5 - Prospective views for European Cooperation in Geosciences / Environmental Sciences: Contributions in a global context.
Convener: John Marks; Co-convener: Bernard Avril; Inge Jonckheere; Daniela Turk.
EUROMARGINS has set up an open session as follows: TS5.2/SSP24 Processes of rifting, sediment transport, fluid flow and biogenic activity: EUROMARGINS (co-organized by SSP) (co-listed in BG & CL). (TS = Tectonics and Structural Geology, SSP = Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology, BG = Biogeosciences, CL = Climate: Past, Present, Future). Go to website
International Conference on "Landslides and Climate Change - Challenges and Solutions", Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK, 21-24 March 2007. Go to website.
Workshop “Synthesis of EUROMARGINS projects in the North Atlantic”, GFZ Potsdam, DE, 19-20 February 2007
Results from three EUROMARGINS projects investing the North Atlantic conjugated margins call for final integration. Deep seismic imaging (“Crustal architecture and evolution of the conjugate volcanic margins off mid-Norway and East Greenland in a total rift context”, FP01) and 3D structural modelling (“Lithospheric memory and tectonic (re)activation of volcanic rifted margins and their borderlands: quantitative modelling of North-western European Margin System Dynamics”, FP16) reveal strong structural heterogeneity across the margin and a high-velocity / high-densities body continuous with the lowermost oceanic crust. This indicates that breakup was preceded by crustal underplating and crustal melting (“The role of mantle-crust interaction in the early phases of passive margin development: the case of the Vøring Plateau, NE Atlantic”, FP13). Structural restorations at the Norwegian Margin suggest a very small brittle, upper crustal component of extension and a ductile, lower crustal component. Quaternary vertical movements in the SW Barents Sea provoke a thermal disequilibrium in the subsurface and invoke strong pressure variations in the petroleum systems.
Scientific Report